RFP Addendum #1 - 8/7/2024
The Request for Proposals (RFP) is modified as set forth in this Addendum. The original RFP Documents and any previously issued addenda remain in full force and effect, except as modified by this Addendum, which is hereby made part of the RFP. Respondent shall take this Addendum into consideration when preparing and submitting its Proposal. |
Request for Electrical Vehicle Charger Installation workshop-based training has been added to the Scope of Work, as noted herein, and modifies the Scope of Work stated in the RFP. |
1. The Questions and Proposal submittal deadlines have been changed as noted herein, and modifies the deadlines stated in the RFP. New submittal deadline for Questions is 5:00 pm CST on August 8th, 2024 2. HACIA’s new deadline to respond to submitted questions is 5:00 pm CST on August 12th, 2024 3. New deadline for Proposal Submissions is Monday, August 26, 2024 |
Questions regarding the RFP are due August 8th, 2024 (5PM CST)
RFP proposals are due August 26th, 2024 (5PM CST)
The Hispanic American Construction Industry Association (HACIA) is a regional membership organization that advocates for equity in construction, connects its members to opportunities, and builds their capacity. For over 40 years, HACIA has been paving a path to opportunity for minority and womenowned businesses across the Midwest. By actively working to break down systemic barriers and biases, HACIA aims to help professionals in the construction industry realize their full potential.
HACIA seeks to shape the future of construction by building infrastructures to transcend today’s challenges and leverage tomorrow’s opportunities. We aim to create the next generation of business leaders by providing targeted educational opportunities to enhance business skills, facilitate mentorship and increase their opportunities to compete for generational wealth-building bids. We also work to build a robust pipeline of diverse talent within the architectural and engineering fields and the construction and clean energy trades by offering training that addresses real industry needs.
Purpose and Services Solicited
The Hispanic American Construction Industry Association (HACIA) is a regional membership organization that advocates for equity in construction, connects its members to opportunities, and builds their capacity. For over 40 years, HACIA has been paving a path to opportunity for minority and womenowned businesses across the Midwest. By actively working to break down systemic barriers and biases, HACIA aims to help professionals in the construction industry realize their full potential.
HACIA seeks to shape the future of construction by building infrastructures to transcend today’s challenges and leverage tomorrow’s opportunities. We aim to create the next generation of business leaders by providing targeted educational opportunities to enhance business skills, facilitate mentorship and increase their opportunities to compete for generational wealth-building bids. We also work to build a robust pipeline of diverse talent within the architectural and engineering fields and the construction and clean energy trades by offering training that addresses real industry needs.
Purpose and Services Solicited
The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to identify subject matter experts, technical assistance providers and instructors to support HACIA’s business capacity training, coaching for its membership and workforce training in the construction industry.
HACIA is seeking specialists and knowledgeable individuals who can provide targeted coaching, training and education to businesses in the construction ecosystem at different business stages of growth and expansion, as well as the ability to provide instruction, curriculum building and education to construction workforce cohort-based training.
HACIA’s intent is to identify a robust cadre of partners who are ready, willing and able to provide training (virtual and/or in-person) and workshops for our business capacity cohort-based trainings, such as Contractor’s Development Program; coaching for HACIA’s membership and Executive Fellows Program participants; one-on-one technical assistance to HACIA members (especially for M/W/DBE certification applications and government contracts); and instruction to workforce participants in project coordination, EV installation, documentation (specific to the engineering sector), and other emerging opportunities. For additional information about HACIA’s training programs, please visit https://www.haciaworks.org/hacia-u/.
This group of selected partners will be kept in a database of instructors to be utilized during a twoyear period as training opportunities and funding is available and based on training and technical assistance schedule. Interested individuals or companies responding to this RFP do not have to submit a proposal for all the services in the Scope of Work only the areas for which you seek to provide instruction.
In partnership with the HACIA team, the selected vendors will be responsible for:
- Developing curricula to meet learning objectives for education, trainings and instruction.
- Deliver one-on-one training or coaching sessions for HACIA membership.
- Deliver virtual or in-person training for cohort-based learning.
- Monitor and evaluate impact of the coaching and training programs on the growth and development of participants (business or workforce).
- Foster a supportive environment for networking and knowledge sharing among construction business owners.
- Utilize HACIA’s required database systems, coaching platforms, and virtual meeting platforms.
Required Activities (Scope of Work)
- Technical Assistance/Coaching
- Provide quality technical assistance and coaching for HACIA membership and business capacity participants in the following non-exhaustive areas. Note: some of these areas have a suggested amount of hours. If higher or lower, please add an explanation in your proposal:
- Bidding, Budgeting and Estimating
- Certification Assistance
- This includes certifications through State of Illinois (BEP), City of Chicago (MBE/WBE/DBE), Cook County, Metroplitan Water Reclamation District, DBE through any of the Illinois Unified Certification Program participants: IL Department of Transportation, Metra, Chicago Transit Authority, PACE, and Small Business Administration 8a Certification.
- Accounting and Taxes
- Legal
- Employment Law
- Contract Agreements
- Union Agreements
- Access to Capital
- Financial literacy
- Business Credit
- Preparing loan application
- Technology to Boost Business Growth
- How to use technology such as Canva, Constant Contact, Hootsuite, Google, Search Engine Optimization, Google Business Profile
- Technology Tools to Streamline Internal Operations
- Cybersecurity Training, AI/Chatbots, Tableau (data visualization), Asana, Acuity, ZenHub (Project Management and scheduling tools)
- QuickBooks
- Marketing
- Capability Statements
- Creating a Marketing Plan
- Provide quality technical assistance and coaching for HACIA membership and business capacity participants in the following non-exhaustive areas. Note: some of these areas have a suggested amount of hours. If higher or lower, please add an explanation in your proposal:
- Subject Matter Experts
- Business Agnostic Training
- Microsoft Office: Excel, Word, PowerPoint [9 hours]
- Bookkeeping and QuickBooks [8 hours]
- Marketing and Communications [5-6 hours] iv. Human Resources and Workforce Compliance [8 hours]
- Employment Law [2 hours]
- Legal and Regulatory [6 hours]
- Executive Leadership
- Artificial Intelligence for Business Operations [6-8 hours]
- Business Planning
- SWOT Analysis [2 hours]
- Business Development Planning [5 hours]
- Business Succession Planning [1-2 hours]
- Writing a Capability Statement [2 hours]
- Applying for government grants
- Risk and Crisis Management [5 hours]
- Government Contracting
- Procurement Management
- Construction Technical Skills
- Construction Business Automation [6-8 hours]
- Bidding and Estimating [6 hours]
- Project Management [16 hours] o Risk and Crisis Management
- Blueprint Reading [8 hours]
- Bluebeam Revu [6 hours]
- Procore and/or other software used in the construction industry
- Clean energy and sustainability business principles [2 hours]
- Being Bond Ready
- Insurance and Bonding [2 hours]
- Wealth Management [1-2 hours]
- Financial Management [8 hours]
- Being Bankable/Bondable
- Business Agnostic Training
- Instruction/Education Workforce
- Blueprint Reading [12 hours]
- Estimating [12 hours]
- Procurement Management [4-8 hours]
- Documentation (such as Specs, RFIs, and submittals) [4-8 hours]
- Bid Leveling [4 hours]
- Financial Literacy [8-12 hours]
- Contractor Coordination [4 hours]
- Project Management [min. 24 hours]
- Career Readiness Skills (such as resume writing and interviewing) [8 hours]
- Electric Vehicle Charger Installation Workshop Training [16 hours]
- Load Calculations and Installation
- EV overview and charger connector types
- Codes and Permitting
Qualifications Required
The Subject Matter Expert (SME), Technical Advisor, Coaches and Instructors must:
- Have experience in providing technical assistance, coaching and/or education in the field of construction business and/or workforce training
- Exhibit proven experience in developing and delivering technical assistance, business coaching or instruction in the aforementioned areas
- Provide at least two examples of partnerships with organizations who have benefitted from their technical advising, business capacity training, coaching or instruction
- Ability to host in person and/or virtual meetings and conduct virtual or in-person trainings
- Ability to provide pertinent information and clear instruction to entrepreneurs and/or workforce participants
- Knowledge of usage of technology such as Zoom, MS Teams, Adobe Acrobat, MS Office 365 (Excel, Word, PowerPoint)
Additional Qualifications
- Innovative thinker, passionate about teaching and ability to get message across in a thoughtful and inclusive manner.
- Self-directed professional, with strong analytical, organizational, and problem-solving skills.
- Communicates professionally and effectively, in writing and orally, with internal HACIA team members, other program partners and program participants.
- Team player who values the success of the overall group.
Account Administration & Overhead
When applicable, the following administrative requirements will apply:
- Provide written weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual reports to show status and/or results as compared to goals.
- Log coaching sessions into Coach Accountable or another platform as directed by HACIA to enable better tracking of client progress, invoicing, and reporting. Use Zoom platform to teach/coach virtually. Use online tools and platforms to track sessions, when required.
- Complete surveys for program assessment as required.
RFP Posted | Wednesday, July 31, 2024 |
Deadline to Submit Questions | Thursday, August 8, 2024 at 5pm |
HACIA’s Deadline to Respond to Questions | Monday, August 12, 2024 at 5pm |
Deadline for Proposal Submission | Deadline for vendors to submit a bid is on Monday, August 26, 2024, at 5pm |
Selected Vendor Interviews | The week of September 3, 2024- Tentative |
Notice of Award | The week of September 9, 2024 – Tentative |
Commencement of Services | Based on Grant Funding availability |
Response Format
Proposals should be organized in the sequence outlined below, in a professional manner that is clear and concise. Please submit your responses in electronic format. The proposal should demonstrate the vendor’s ability to satisfy the requirements of the RFP.
Vendors should include the items below within the proposal and in the following order:
- Executive Summary. The vendor must provide an executive summary condensing and highlighting the proposal’s contents. The executive summary should provide the reader with an overall understanding of the proposal and the Supplier’s approach and methodology, and should include descriptions of the following:
- The vendor’s current contractual workload from the perspective of how the vendor’s obligation to other clients may impact the performance of the work specified herein.
- The administrative approach and project management techniques that the vendor expects to employ during the contract term to ensure the coordination and timeliness of the work, the managerial techniques and tools proposed to control the work, and the methodologies proposed to enhance communications between the vendor and the HACIA.
- Background and Approach.
- Company/Individual Information: Provide a brief overview of your organization’s or individual’s background, experience, and expertise in providing technical assistance, coaching or training to small business owners and construction workforce. Include:
- Current resumes/biographies demonstrating qualifications related to this RFP
- Length of time to demonstrate experience with work related to this RFP
- Technical Assistance Approach: Describe your approach to delivering technical assistance, coaching or education and include the methodologies, tools, and resources you will use. You may use a Gantt Chart to convey milestones and deliverables.
- Proposed Training Outline: Present a high-level outline of the technical assistance program, coaching or instruction including topics to be covered, delivery methods, and expected outcomes.
- Experience: Provide examples of similar technical or coaching assistance initiatives and/or instruction you have successfully executed in the past.
- Team: Introduce key team members who will be involved in delivering the trainings or education, highlighting their relevant qualifications and experience.
- Cost Proposal.
- Budget: A detailed budget that outlines all costs associated with delivering the services.
- Fee Structure: HACIA’s hourly rate is up to $250 for instruction and up to $150 for prep (when applicable and justifiable). Description of billing structure (hourly rate). Be sure to indicate the volume of service hours that should be devoted to completing the scope of work per training and/or coaching in SOW. Proposals with in-kind training, coaching or technical assistance are preferred; please also include value if in-kind service.
- Vendor Demographics and Disclosures.
- The proposal should state the vendor’s M/W/V/DBE status and include a copy of current certification, capacity to perform scope of work, including staff available (if applicable), location of the vendor and staff who will be perform the scope of work. In addition, the vendor shall provide information on the circumstances and status of any disciplinary action taken or pending against the vendor during the past three (3) years with state regulatory bodies or professional organizations. Vendors must identify all proposed subcontractors for work, document the portions of service that will be performed by subcontractors and their ability to perform the work.
- Conflict of Interest.
- The vendor must indicate any potential conflict of interest that exists concerning their ability to respond to this RFP. This includes a description of the vendor’s relationship to HACIA’s staff or officers, the State officials or any of its employees, officers, agents, agencies, component units, or oversight unit(s), together with a statement explaining why such relationships do not constitute a conflict of interest relative to performing the services in the proposal. Failure to properly and timely disclose any such conflict of interest shall result in immediate termination of the vendor and the selection of a substitute vendor.
- W-9.
- Selected vendors must submit a completed and signed IRS Form W-9 before services begin.
- Additional Documents.
- Two to three examples of previous work that aligns with the objectives and deliverables of this RFP
- A current list of clients
- 2-3 references to include projects completed for each reference
Evaluation and Selection
Evaluation Process
HACIA will establish a committee to evaluate and rate all proposals based on the criteria prescribed in Attachment 1. All vendors seeking clarification of this RFP must submit questions in writing to HACIA, no later than Thursday, August 8, 2024 (due by 5:00 PM, CST), and sent by email to HACIA_RFP@haciaworks.org
Basis for Contract Award
A contract will be awarded to the vendor/vendors whose proposal is determined to be the most beneficial to HACIA, considering the criteria in this RFP and timeframe to deliver scope of work. Proposals with in-kind training, coaching or technical assistance are preferred
Post Selection
Upon completing the selection process under this RFP, HACIA will notify all winning candidates and all other candidates who were not selected. HACIA’s evaluations of proposals are confidential, so HACIA cannot respond to any questions and/or requests for information as to why an applicant was not selected.
This group of selected partners will be kept in a database of instructors to be utilized during a two-year period as training opportunities and funding is available and based on training and technical assistance schedule.